In 1987, Maple Cybernetic released ISAAC. It blew the world away, because unlike their previous machines, and in fact any previous robot on Earth, ISAAC was designed to hold practical conversations with humans.

Rather than forcing users to interface with a microcomputer, or enter verbal commands as per the manual, one could now just speak with the robot as they would with anyone else. It would even be able to respond, and eventually learn any language or dialect.

Sadly, where ISAAC excelled in interface design, it came up short in every other way. Its physical strength and mobility were limited, its other learning capabilities and overall computing power was low, and software designed for ISAAC wasn’t common.

Other companies began to emulate the interface design introduced by ISAAC. By the early 2000s, any robot designed to interact with a person could speak with them.

The underlying technology behind ISAAC would be upgraded over the years. A version of this software would be used in the first teleindexer several decades later, the PAL.

ISAAC models that continue to operate after the disappearance of mankind have a hard time performing repairs on themselves, thanks to the uncommon parts and the integrated design.

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