Using an array of yoku-powered microfabrication devices, this machine was capable of breaking down any material within the chamber to basic materials and components, and assemble any inanimate object that could fit inside the chamber (given a low degree of complexity, available materials, and the right specification file).

Even some consumables, such as Kinda-Meat and imitation cauliflower, could be synthesized in some of the more advanced models as long as the user didn’t mind a hint of ozone.

The system could be found in a large variety of scales and designs, ranging from small desk-scaled reclomats to those the size of buildings for constructing rocket parts and large robots. The most common versions were roughly the size of a large dumpster.

Reclomats were deployed during the environmental rehabilitation of Earth, but the technology truly proved itself in the colonies. There, reclomats significantly reduced the need for complicated logistics, enabling colonists to spread out to previously impractical regions. It’s one of the cornerstones of interplanetary society - making it possible to transition from the rugged frontier of the early 21st century, to the era of casual space living.

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